Fortified Outcomes

Fortified Outcomes

Tactical AI: Your Secret Weapon for Competitive Advantage

Real-Time Analysis, Real-Time Resolution

Corporate AI Adoption - 2023

According to a survey by HBR (Harvard Business Review), 73% of U.S. enterprises had adopted AI-driven automation technologies in their operations by the end of 2023, streamlining workflows and reducing manual tasks.

A study by McKinsey & Company revealed that 82% of surveyed executives reported seeing a positive return on investment (ROI) from their AI initiatives within the first year of implementation.

According to a report by IDC (International Data Corporation), spending on artificial intelligence (AI) systems in the United States reached $97.9 billion in 2023, representing a 29.6% increase from the previous year.

Corporate Analytics

Top-Down Enterprise AI vs Bottom-Up, Tactical AI

Top-Down, Enterprise AI

Bottom-Up, Tactical AI

  • Top-down AI frameworks are characterized by their robustness, reliability, and the ability to integrate seamlessly into existing corporate structures with ready-to-deploy solutions on a wide array of general use cases.

  • Bottom-up, Tactical AI leverages the flexibility and adaptability of large language models like Chat GPT to investigate specific, often unique, business challenges in real time, directly addressing the problems users need to solve or mitigate.

  • By leveraging these natural language models, users can prompt its infinite information repository, generating insights, and recommendations that provide advantages not previously accessible in conventional problem-solving frameworks.

  • They offer predefined functionalities that address broad industry needs, making them invaluable for organizations seeking to rapidly adopt AI technologies without extensive customization.

  • Their value lies in predefined capabilities but are often constrained to the incorporated functionality. These constraints can hinder innovation and creativity, as businesses may find themselves restricted by the predetermined scope of each AI framework.

  • Tactical AI ‘s most unique attribute is its ability to deliver exponential returns on investment by enabling businesses to address specific challenges, across any use case, with little to no capital expenditure.

Tactical AI Attributes

Tactical AI Analytics and Traditional Analytics Share the Same Fundamentals

  • Planning and requirements gathering, data source incorporation, optimizing data elements and objectives, and training/adoption

Quantified, Bottom Line ROI

  • With sales as the example, what is the value of a 50% increase in first meetings, a 60% higher close rate or an 80% increase in key stakeholder, in-depth profile analysis? Bottom line results are identified during planning and iterated to resolution.

On the Fly, GPT Data Mart Creation

  • Adding data elements is achieved by simply cutting and pasting data source URLs. Text documents are added via drag and drop or link. Ongoing iterations automatically incorporate. Marts can be queried with unlimited parameters and combined to suit future analysis objectives.

Limited Barrier to Entry

  • Individuals, teams and departments can be trained in 1-2 days, solving their most pressing problems as they learn. In addition, the capital expenditure for Tactical AI is a small fraction of traditional analytics solutions.

Unlimited Subject Matter Experts to Support Analysis

  • Trained on over 250 billion parameters, LLMs such as ChatGPT 4 provide comprehensive Subject Matter Experts on any topic, use

case or discipline. Bill Gates said it best “How you gather, manage,

and use information, will determine whether you win or lose”.

Use Case Examples

Sales Optimization

·Customer Profiling

·Market Trends Analysis

·Segmentation and Targeting

·Stakeholder Analysis

·Competitor Strategy Analysis

·Competitor Product Fit and deficiencies

·Cross-Selling and Upselling Strategies

·Close Plans and Win Blueprints

·Mock Negotiations

Marketing Optimization

·Competitive Market Positioning

·Digital Marketing Trends Analysis

·Customer Segmentation and Targeting

·Social Media Engagement Strategies

·Retention-focused Email Marketing Strategies

·Proactive Customer Support Strategies

·Omnichannel Marketing Integration Strategies

·Personalized Customer Interactions

·Marketing Spend Efficiency Analysis

Decision Support and Problem Resolution


Adaptive Leadership Approaches

·Collaborative Resolution Techniques

·Critical Thinking Frameworks

·Data Analysis Techniques

·Risk Management Strategies

·Scenario Planning Frameworks

·Stakeholder Analysis

·Root Cause Analysis

·Decision Trees and Flowcharts

·Creative Problem-Solving Approaches

Call To Action


Top-down AI is indispensable, a competitive requirement, and a game changer. Tactical AI supports and enhances the remarkable functionality of these systems. It also enables individuals and teams, with the ability to leverage the full value of the information contained

in AI models. This combination provides the best of both worlds and delivers ongoing and measurable operational innovation.

Tactical AI is Not for Everyone

I strive to encourage and support the early adoption of Tactical AI. To do that, people need to learn what it is, how it works, how to use it

and how it applies to their day-to-day tasks. They need their questions answered and their concerns addressed. Having done this so

many times, I’ve learned what works best.

Free Services for Exploring Tactical AI

When I saw the potential of Chat GPT 4 last March, I quickly became an ambassador. It’s an opportunity for me to help people to achieve,

to become super productive and to enjoy more free time. It’s my passion. To that end, I offer 2 free services:

  • Phone consultations: I cover the points addressed above and tailor each conversation to suit the participant’s interests. Simply contact

me and we’ll schedule a call.

  • Iterating one of your most pressing problems: We will evaluate targets, select one and then iterate to resolution. Start to finish,

hands-on insight. Tactical AI is an interactive endeavor.

Fortified Outcomes

Fortified Outcomes

"The most meaningful way to differentiate your company from your competitors, the best way to put distance between you and the crowd, is to do an outstanding job with information. How you gather, manage, and use information will determine whether you win or lose." - Bill Gates

Ted Burnett

Ted Burnett



San Anselmo, CA



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X: @move37TB